ch4 (3)
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35 (91)
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Jordan Robert Kolo Czasu t 2 cz 2 Kamien lzy
Cialdini Raobert Wywieranie wpływu na ludzi Teoria i praktyka
Dick Philip K Blade Runner (3)
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    .Perl uses file handles (OPEN MY_FILE, ">>\home\file1.txt"),whereas sh scripts can do a number of things by using> redirection:Perl:Print MY_FILE "Hello World.\n";sh:cat 'Hello World' >> myfileWhatever output method you choose-whether it's a pointer to datasomewhere else or data you send back yourself-after you send itto STDOUT, the rest of the work is done for you.The server andthe client negotiate the connection and translation work to getwhat you sent to the client into the right place and in the formyou specified.File-Based OutputIn certain instances, the result of a CGI program's executionis just the location of a file or the creation of an output datafile.The latter of these occurs when the server has set the OUTPUT_FILEenvironment variable, which means that a server such as Win HTTPdis expecting to go out to a specific file name and read everythingfrom there, rather than from STDOUT.There's no real "trick" to dealing with these situations,unless you want to create the output file and then perform somesubsequent operation on it: As soon as the file is there, theserver reads that as a response and brings it into place.So besure not to copy something to the final OUTPUT_FILE nameuntil it's ready to be received by the server [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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