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    .Experiment by adding new entries to thecombo box and by expanding and closing the combo box.Other messages sent to thecombo box can be trapped and displayed just as CBN_EDITUPDATE was handledin Listing 7.9.SummaryIn this hour, you learned about list box and combo box controls and how they areused in Windows programs.You also learned how to associate these controls with CListBoxand CComboBox objects.Q&AQ What is the easiest way to create a list box that has a bitmap image nextto each item?A The only way to display a bitmap in a list box is to create an owner-drawnlist box, where you take responsibility for drawing each item in the list box.Youcan easily achieve a similar effect by using a list view control, which is discussedin Hour 18, "List View Controls."Q When should I use a combo box drop list, and when is a list box more appropriate?A A drop list is appropriate when space on your dialog box is at a premium.A list box is more appropriate when the user must see more than one item withoutclicking on the control.WorkshopThe Workshop is designed to help you anticipate possible questions, review whatyou've learned, and begin thinking ahead to putting your knowledge into practice.The answers to the quiz are in Appendix B, "Quiz Answers."Quiz1.Which MFC class is used to manage list box controls?2.What message is sent to your dialog box when a user double-clicks a dialog box?3.What functions are used to add items to a list box control?4.What function is used to retrieve the number of items in a list box control?5.What function is used to retrieve the currently selected index in a list box?6.What are the three styles used for list box controls?7.What are the three types of loops used in C++ programs?8.Which MFC class is used to manage combo boxes?9.What function is used to add an item to a combo box at a specific index?10.What are the three styles used for combo boxes?Exercise1.Modify the ListBox project by adding a new button labeled Loop.When a userclicks the Loop button, display each item in the list box in a message box, one itemat a time.© Copyright, Macmillan Computer Publishing.Allrights reserved [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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