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    .Basic operation can be achieved with very few program statements.For example, to view a particular Web page, all that is required is to place a WebBrowser control on a form and then place the following line of code in the form’s Load event procedure (assuming the control’s name is WB1):WB1.Navigate “<>”Figure 18.3 shows The Coriolis Group’s Web page displayed in a WebBrowser control.Once a page is displayed, the user can access all of the navigation and other features provided as part of the page.Other capabilities—for example, a Back button—must be implemented by the programmer.For details on the WebBrowser control’s methods and properties, refer to the Visual Basic online Help system.Space limitations prevent me from giving it a full treatment.WebBrowser is a powerful component and should be all you ever need if you want to incorporate Web-browsing capabilities in your Visual Basic applications.Figure 18.3  Using the WebBrowser control to view Web pages.PreviousTable of ContentsNext |   |   |   |   | Use of this site is subject to certain ,All rights reserved.Reproduction whole or in part in any form or medium without express written of EarthWeb is prohibited.Read EarthWeb's privacy statement [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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