othr 013 (3)
forsyth Fałszerz
Stanisław Wyspiański Dramat
Bettelheim Bruno Cudowne i pożyteczne O znaczeniach i wartoÂściach baÂśni (2)
rozdzial 08 (15)
www nie com pl 2
Chalker Jack L Swiaty Rombu 03 Charon Smok u wrot
Kępiński Antoni Z psychopatologi życia seksualnego (4)
Wylde Thomas Czarna jasnoÂść
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    .Todo There are still some things todo:The hw_InsertDocument has to be split intohw_insertobject() andhw_putdocument().The names of several functions are not fixed, yet.Most functions require the current connectionas its first parameter.This leads to a lot of typing, whichis quite often not necessary if there is just one openconnection.A default connection willimprove this.Conversion form object record into object arrayneeds to handle any multiple attribute.Spis treścihw_Array2Objrec -- convert attributes from object array to object recordhw_Children -- object ids of childrenhw_ChildrenObj -- object records of childrenhw_Close -- closes the Hyperwave connectionhw_Connect -- opens a connectionhw_Cp -- copies objectshw_Deleteobject -- deletes objecthw_DocByAnchor -- object id object belonging to anchorhw_DocByAnchorObj -- object record object belonging to anchorhw_Document_Attributes -- object record of hw_documenthw_Document_BodyTag -- body tag of hw_documenthw_Document_Content -- returns content of hw_documenthw_Document_SetContent -- sets/replaces content of hw_documenthw_Document_Size -- size of hw_documenthw_ErrorMsg -- returns error messagehw_EditText -- retrieve text documenthw_Error -- error numberhw_Free_Document -- frees hw_documenthw_GetParents -- object ids of parentshw_GetParentsObj -- object records of parentshw_GetChildColl -- object ids of child collectionshw_GetChildCollObj -- object records of child collectionshw_GetRemote -- Gets a remote documenthw_GetRemoteChildren -- Gets children of remote documenthw_GetSrcByDestObj -- Returns anchors pointing at objecthw_GetObject -- object recordhw_GetAndLock -- return bject record and lock objecthw_GetText -- retrieve text documenthw_GetObjectByQuery -- search objecthw_GetObjectByQueryObj -- search objecthw_GetObjectByQueryColl -- search object in collectionhw_GetObjectByQueryCollObj -- search object in collectionhw_GetChildDocColl -- object ids of child documents of collectionhw_GetChildDocCollObj -- object records of child documents of collectionhw_GetAnchors -- object ids of anchors of documenthw_GetAnchorsObj -- object records of anchors of documenthw_Mv -- moves objectshw_Identify -- identifies as userhw_InCollections -- check if object ids in collectionshw_Info -- info about connectionhw_InsColl -- insert collectionhw_InsDoc -- insert documenthw_InsertDocument -- upload any documenthw_InsertObject -- inserts an object recordhw_mapid -- Maps global id on virtual local idhw_Modifyobject -- modifies object recordhw_New_Document -- create new documenthw_Objrec2Array -- convert attributes from object record to object arrayhw_Output_Document -- prints hw_documenthw_pConnect -- make a persistent database connectionhw_PipeDocument -- retrieve any documenthw_Root -- root object idhw_Unlock -- unlock objecthw_Who -- List of currently logged in usershw_getusername -- name of currently logged in userhw_stat -- Returns status stringhw_setlinkroot -- Set the id to which links are calculatedhw_connection_info -- Prints information about the connection to Hyperwave serverhw_dummy -- Hyperwave dummy functionhw_insertanchors -- Inserts only anchors into texthw_getrellink -- Get link from source to dest relative to rootidhw_changeobject -- Changes attributes of an object (obsolete)PoprzedniSpis treściNastępnysetcookiePoczątek rozdziałuhw_Array2Objrec [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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