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    .Forbest fit, DOS searches all memory blocks for the closest fit.In last fit, DOS starts at high addresses and works downwardand uses the high part of the chosen block- any strategy value greater than 2 defaults to 2, but the last valueset, even if incorrect, is the value returned by the get strategy:int 21,59^INT 21,59 - Get Extended Error Information (DOS 3.0+)AH = 59hBX = 00 for versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.2on return:AX = extended error code (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~)= 0 if no errorBH = error classBL = suggested actionCH = locus- may be called after any ~INT 21~ function or from~INT 24~ when an error is returned- must be called immediately after the error occurs- registers CX, DX, DI, SI, BP, DS and ES are destroyed:int 21,5a^INT 21,5A - Create Temporary File (DOS 3.0+)AH = 5ACX = attributeDS:DX = pointer to ASCIIZ path ending in '\'on return:AX = handle if call CF clear= error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~)DS:DX = pointer to updated ASCIIZ filespec- creates files with random names with any combination ofthe following attributes: normal, system and hidden- ending backslash is required:int 21,5b^INT 21,5B - Create File (DOS 3.0+)AH = 5BCX = attributeDS:DX = pointer to ASCIIZ path/filenameon return:AX = handle if CF not set= error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~)- standard method of opening files- returns a file handle of a file opened with specifiedattributes (combinations of normal, system and hidden):int 21,5c^INT 21,5C - Lock/Unlock File Access (DOS 3.0+)AH = 5CAL = 00 lock file= 01 unlock fileBX = file handleCX = most significant word of region offsetDX = least significant word of region offsetSI = most significant word of region lengthDI = least significant word of region lengthon return:AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~)- used for networking and multi-tasking system to preservedata integrity- duplicated handles inherit access to locked regions- EXEC'd programs do not inherit access to locked regions:int 21,5d^INT 21,5D - Critical Error Information (Undocumented, DOS 3.x+)% See second reference below for more information about this interrupt% information presented here is incompleteAH = 5DAL = 00 server function call (DOS 3.1+)= 01 commit all files (DOS 3.1+)= 02 SHARE: close file by name (DOS 3.1+)= 03 SHARE: close all files for given computer (DOS 3.1+)= 04 SHARE: close all files for given process (DOS 3.1+)= 05 SHARE: get open file list entry (DOS 3.1+)= 06 get address of DOS swappable area into DS:SI (DOS 3.0+)= 07 get network redirected printer mode (DOS 3.1+)= 08 set network redirected printer mode (DOS 3.1+)= 09 flush network redirected printer output (DOS 3.1+)= 0A set extended error information (DOS 3.1+)= 0B get DOS swappable data areas (DOS 4.x+)DS:DX = pointer to 18 byte DOS Parameter List (DPL, if AL=00)= pointer to 9 byte data block of the form (AL=0A):% Offset Size Description00 word extended error code to set02 dword pointer to driver address to set06 byte action code to set07 byte class code to set08 byte locus code to seton return:DS:SI = (if AL was 6) address of critical flag of the form:% Offset Size Description00 word extended error code02 byte action code03 byte class code04 byte pointer to driver address- function 0 copies 18 bytes from DS:SI to the DOS internalregister-save area; this data will be placed in the registerswhen DOS returns to the caller thereby circumventing the DOSregister save logic- may be used by a TSR to prevent accidental changing of an errorcode and causing problems in the foreground process- see ~bibliography~ references for "Undocumented DOS" and "DOSProgrammers Reference"- see ~INT 21,59~:int 21,5e^INT 21,5E AL=0 Get Machine Name (DOS 3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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