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    .Both the ATL and MFCversions of the Dieroll control are here: DieRoll Class was built in Chapter 21,"The Active Template Library," and Dieroll Control was built in Chapter17, "Building an ActiveX Control." Before this shot was taken, DBGrid Controlwas highlighted and the More Info button was clicked.Components can be bundled witha Help file that is reached from the More Info button.Introducing Custom AppWizardsAppWizard is a sensational tool for starting projects effortlessly.However, becauseof its general nature, AppWizard makes many assumptions about the way you want anew project created.Sometimes you may need a special type of AppWizard project thatisn't supported by the default AppWizard.If this special project is a one-time deal,you'll probably just create the project by hand.However, if you need to use thiscustom project type again and again, you might want to consider creating a customAppWizard.FIG.25.5 All ActiveXcontrols are available through the Gallery.You can create a custom AppWizard in three ways: using the existing AppWizardsteps as a starting point, using an existing project as a starting point, or startingcompletely from scratch.However, no matter what method you choose, creating a customAppWizard can be a complicated task, requiring that you understand and be able towrite script files by using the macros and commands that Visual C++ provides forthis purpose.The following tackles the very simplest case first, creating an AppWizard to reproducean existing project with a different name.Follow these steps:1.Create a project in the usual way.Call it Original and clickFinish on Step 1 to accept all the AppWizard defaults.2.Edit the About box to resemble Figure 25.6.FIG.25.6 Customizeyour About box.3.Choose File, New and click the Projects tab.Select Custom AppWizardand enter OrigWiz, as shown in Figure 25.7.Click OK.4.The first of two custom AppWizard dialog boxes appears, as shown inFigure 25.8.Select An Existing Project to base your wizard on the project you createdin steps 1 and 2.Do not edit the wizard's name.Click Next.FIG.25.7 Createa custom AppWizard.FIG.25.8 Baseyour wizard on an existing project.5.The second custom AppWizard dialog box appears.Browse to the projectfile for the Original project, Original.dsp.Click Finish.6.The New Project Information dialog box, shown in Figure 25.9, confirmsyour choices.Click OK.You are now working on the OrigWiz project, and in many cases you would add codeat this point.Because this is an example, just build the project immediately.To use your custom AppWizard, choose File, New again and click the Projects tab.As shown in Figure 25.10, OrigWizard has been added to the list of choices on theleft.Select it and enter App3 for the name of the project.Click OK.NOTE: When you compile the custom AppWizard, Developer Studio creates thefinal files and stores them in your C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Template directory.The next time you choose to start a new project workspace, yourcustom AppWizard will be listed in the project types.To remove the custom AppWizard,delete the wizard's.awx and.pdb files from your C:\Program Files\Microsoft VisualStudio\Common\MSDev98\Template directory. FIG.25.9 Yourcustom AppWizard creates copies of the Original project with different names.FIG.25.10 Yourcustom AppWizard has been added to the list of AppWizards.Figure 25.11 shows one of the tasks that you normally complete before you buildthe AppWizard: generating the text for the New Project Information dialog box.ClickOK.Look at the classnames and the code--App3 looks like any of the projects createdin this chapter that accept all the AppWizard defaults, but you didn't have to gothrough any dialog steps.Switch to ResourceView and edit IDD_ABOUTBOX.As Figure25.12 shows, it contains the extra text (based on Original 1.0) that you added, butthe application name on the top line of the box has been correctly changed to App3.This is one smart wizard.When you build a wizard from an existing project, all the classes, resources,and code that you added will be incorporated in the new projects you generate withthe wizard.It's a great time-saver.FIG.25.11 Youhave to write the text for the New Project Information dialog box.FIG.25.12 AppWizardcopied your custom About box to the new project.You can also build custom AppWizards that present dialog boxes for you to fillout.Before you do that, you should be comfortable writing wizards that are not AppWizards,like the ones discussed in Chapter 12, "Property Pages and Sheets." Youshould also have generated lots of different types of applications so that you havea feel for the sort of work AppWizard does.When you're ready, check the sectionin the online help titled "Creating Custom AppWizards."This whole book demonstrates the value of using other people's designs, classes,code, controls, dialog boxes, and other project parts.This chapter shows two simpleways to arrange for other people (or you, in the future) to reuse your code, whichbenefits your customers or employer by saving significant development time.Yourjob will be more enjoyable when repetitive tasks, such as building a dialog box andassociating it with a class, are taken care of, freeing you to do the fun stuff.© Copyright, Macmillan Computer Publishing.Allrights reserved [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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