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    .Theaccess methods provided by the Dimension class allowthe height and width of a dimension to be accessed.Using FontsThe Font class implements a system-independent set offonts that control text display.Java font names are mapped tosystem-supported fonts.The Courier, Dialog, DialogInput, Helvetica,TimesRoman, and ZapfDingbats fonts are the system-independentfont names provided by Java.A default font is also supportedthat may consist of one of the above fonts or may be unique toa given operating-system platform.Fonts can be specified in terms of font name, style, and pointsize.The supported styles are defined by the PLAIN,BOLD, and ITALIC constants of the Fontclass.Font styles can be combined by adding these constants.Font sizes can be any integer size supported by the system.TheFont class provides a single constructor that takes thefont name, style constants, and point size as its parameters.The Font class provides several methods for queryingthe parameters of a font.The getName() method returnsthe Java name for the font.The getFamily() method returnsthe system-dependent font name.The getStyle() and getSize()methods return the font's style and size parameters.The isBold(),isItalic(), and isPlain() methods provides thecapability to test the style parameter.The FontMetricsClassThe FontMetrics class is used to access the specificdisplay parameters of a Font object.A FontMetricsobject is usually constructed using the getFontMetrics()method of the Component class.It provides several methodsfor determining a font's display parameters, as described in Chapter 22,"Text and Fonts."The getHeight(), getLeading(), getAscent(),and getDescent() methods are used to determine the verticalsize properties of a font.The stringWidth(), getWidths(),charWidth(), charsWidth(), and bytesWidth()methods are used to determine a font's horizontal size properties.Usingthe ToolkitThe Toolkit class provides the linkage between the platform-independentclasses of the AWT and their platform-dependent implementation.It provides the capability to access the platform-dependent peerclasses of the subclasses of the Component class.Theseclasses can be used to obtain direct access to a component's localimplementation.The use of peer classes is discouraged becauseit limits the portability of any software that utilizes thesemethods.The java.awt.peer package contains the interfacesthat are implemented by the platform-dependent AWT software.The Toolkit class also provides several methods thatprovide access to implementation-dependent characteristics thatcan be safely used in Java programs.The getFontList()method provides a list of the fonts that are supported by thewindowing environment.The getImage() method allows animage to be retrieved from an URL or the local file system.ThegetScreenSize() and getScreenResolution() methodsreturn useful characteristics of the screen display.You shouldread the API description of this class to familiarize yourselfwith the methods that it provides.SummaryThis chapter introduces you to the classes of the java.awtpackage, which provide the foundation for Java window programming.You have learned how the java.awt package is organizedand have covered the classes that it contains.You have also coveredthe java.awt.image and java.awt.peer packages.Part IV provides a detailed tutorial of Java window programmingwith numerous programming examples that will further help youunderstand the with questions or comments.Copyright 1998EarthWeb Inc., All rights reserved.PLEASE READ THE.Copyright 1998 Macmillan Computer Publishing.All rights reserved [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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