12 (2)
Jordan Robert Kolo Czasu t 4 cz 1 Wschodzacy Cien
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    .1.*See your FTP program's help file for specific instructions on doing thisIf you are upgrading from 3.0 Beta3, follow these steps:Unzip the paFileDB 3 zip file (You probably already did ifyou are reading this)Go into the "includes" directory in the unzipped directoryand open up mysql.php in a text editor such as Notepad.Change the variablesso the settings in the Beta 3.1 mysql.php file are the same as the Beta 3 mysql.php.The settings MUST be the same for a Beta 1 to Beta 2 upgrade.Once the settings are configured, using your FTPprogram, upload thefollowing files to the server (Overwrite everything that is there):-pafiledb.php-Everything in the following directories: images, includes, lang, stylesIf you are running a Windows NT/2k/XP server, skip thisstep.If you're running a Unix/Linux server, continue reading:CHMOD the directory "uploads" 777 using your FTP program.*The upgrade process is complete and you can useyour database and log into your admin center with the username/password youused on Beta 2/2.1.*See your FTP program's help file for specific instructions on doing this    [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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