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[ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ] .But sosoon as any came up with the Cloud of Ungoliant the riders of the Valar wereblinded and dismayed, and they were scattered, and went they knew not whither;and the sound of the Valaróma faltered and failed.And Tulkas was as one caughtin a black net at night, and he stood powerless and beat the air in vain.Butwhen the Darkness had passed, it was too late: Melkor had gone whither hewould, and his vengeance was achieved.Chapter 9Of the Flight of the NoldorAfter a time a greatconcourse gathered about the Ring of Doom; and the Valar sat in shadow, for itwas night.But the stars of Varda now glimmered overhead, and the air wasclear; for the winds of Manwë has driven away the vapours of deathand rolled back the shadows of the sea.Then Yavanna arose and stood uponEzellohar, the Green Mound, but it was bare now and black; and she laid herhands upon the Trees, but they were dead and dark, and each branch that shetouched broke and fell lifeless at her feet.Then many voices were lifted inlamentation; and it seemed to those that mourned that they had drained to thedregs the cup of woe that Melkor had filled for them.But it was not so.Yavanna spoke before the Valar, saying:"The Light of the Trees has passed away, and lives now only in theSilmarils of Fëanor.Foresighted was he! Even for those who are mightiest underIlúvatar there is some work that they may accomplish once, and once only.TheLight of the Trees I brought into being, and within Eä I can do so never again.Yet had I but a little of that light I could recall life to the Trees, eretheir roots decay; and then our hurt should be healed, and the malice of Melkorbe confounded.'Then Manwë spoke and said: 'Hearest thou,Fëanor son of Finwë, the words of Yavanna? Wilt thou grant what she would ask?'There was long silence, but Fëanor answeredno word.Then Tulkas cried: 'Speak, O Noldo, yea or nay! But who shall denyYavanna? And did not the light of the Silmarils come from her work in thebeginning?'But Aulë the Maker said: 'Be not hasty! Weask a greater thing than thou knowest.Let him have peace yet awhile.'But Fëanor spoke then, and cried bitterly:'For the less even as for the greater there is some deed that he may accomplishbut once only; and in that deed his heart shall rest.It may be that I canunlock my jewels, but never again shall I make their like; and if I must breakthem, I shall break my heart, and I shall be slain; first of all the Eldar inAman.''Not the first,' said Mandos, but they didnot understand his word; and again there was silence, while Fëanor brooded inthe dark.It seemed to him that he was beset in a ring of enemies, and thewords of Melkor returned to him, saying that the Silmarils were not safe, ifthe Valar would possess them.'And is he not Vala as are they,' said histhought, 'and does he not understand their hearts? Yea, a thief shall revealthieves!' Then he cried aloud: 'This thing I will not do of free will.But ifthe Valar will constrain me, then shall I know indeed that Melkor is of theirkindred.'Then Mandos said: 'Thou hast spoken.' AndNienna arose and went up onto Ezellohar, and cast back her grey hood, and withher tears washed away the defilements of Ungoliant; and she sang in mourningfor the bitterness of the world and the Marring of Arda.But even as Nienna mourned, there camemessengers from Formenos, and they were Noldor and bore new tidings of evil.For they told how a blind Darkness came northward, and in the midst walked somepower for which there was no name, and the Darkness issued from it.But Melkoralso was there, and he came to the house of Fëanor, and there he slew FinwëKing of the Noldor before his doors, and spilled the first blood in the BlessedRealm; for Finwë alone had not fled from the horror of the Dark.And they toldthat Melkor had broken the stronghold of Formenos, and taken all the Jewels ofthe Noldor that were hoarded in that place; and the Silmarils were gone.Then Fëanor rose, and lifting up his handbefore Manwë he cursed Melkor, naming him Morgoth, the Black Foe of the World;and by that name only was he known to the Eldar ever after [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ] |
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