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  • [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
    .Where To Go from HereThis chapter is a very brief introduction to the XView packages available under Linux.In this section you have learned a little about putting user interface items together on a panel.You should now have enough knowledge to start creating your owninterfaces in XView.Some cool binaries to look for in the /usr/openwin/bin directory are props for setting window parameters and textedit, a pretty good editor.SummaryYou use objects to build XView applications.Each object is a class and is referred to as a package.Each package has attributes that can have values.Attributes can be shared among other objects, be common to a few objects only, or be specific to oneobject.You can retrieve an attribute's values by calling xv_get() and set a value by calling xv_set.An attribute may be assigned more than one value.Each attribute can have a different type of value attached to it.You can use standard Xlib function calls to perform drawing operations.This gives you tremendous flexibility in rendering your custom graphics on screens and XView packages.The XView packages enable you to create and place objects on panels.You can place these objects using absolute positioning from the top left corner of a panel, relative to other objects, or in row/column order.The xv_create() call passes the type of object as a parameter to create XView objects.You can set other attributes by passing a NULL-terminated list to xv_create().Default attribute values that are not explicitly set by xv_create() are inherited fromthe object's parent [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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