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    .Thepbmplus toolkit is available from tsx-11 or sunsite archives.You will have to use the pbmtog3 and g3topbm utilities in mgettyto convert between PBM and G3.Also, the Ghostscript interpreter can convert PostScriptto G3, but not vice versa.To compile the package, copy the policy.h-dist over to the policy.hfile.Then run make all to make all the packages.To enable logins with fax capability, replace the getty with mgetty(or vgetty if your modem can handle voice) for the /dev/tty deviceyou have configured for incoming calls.To send faxes, you have to use sendfax.This is the syntax for the command:sendfax [-p] [-xdebuglevel] [-v] [-lmodemlines][-minitstring]] [-dpolldirectory] [-Cmodemclass] [-S][-n] phone-number [g3file]Now that we have discussed all these options, you may be happy to know that noneof these options are required to send a fax.So the following commmand by itselfwill send out a fax:$ sendfax 5551212 sample.g3The command will send the G3 encoded file fax to the number 5551212.For sendinggraphic images in the popular PBM format, you can also pipe the output of the pbm2g3command to sendfax:$ pbm2g3 sample.pbm | sendfax 555-1212The Sticky CopyrightIssueFrom the FAQ, the note about copyrights is as follows:"The mgetty+sendfax package is Copyright "1993Gert Doering.You are permitted to do anything you want with this program--redistributeit, use parts of the code in your own programs--but you have to give me credit--donot remove my name."If the program works for you, and you want to honour my efforts, you areinvited to donate as much as you want."If you make money with mgetty, I want a share.What I mean by thatis: It's perfectly OK with me to get paid for mgetty installation or support,but if you want to actually sell mgetty, or pack mgetty with amodem and sell it as `UNIX FAX package,' contact me first."WARNING: This packageis still BETA software.Use it at your own risk; there is NO warranty.If it erasesall the data on your hard disk, damages your hardware, or kills your dog, that isentirely your problem.Anyway, the program works for me and quite a lot of otherpeople.For more info on the copyright issue, please contact Mr.Doering directly.Troubleshootingthe ModemsThe FAQ has some interesting questions and answers to the commonly found bugs, "features,"and fixes.In most cases, if your modem is not supported, twiddling with a few fileshere or there will not do the trick.I tried four different types of known name-brandmodems before a cheap clone modem worked.I have no idea why this modem, which bythe way has no visible markings, worked, whereas the others did not.You may havebetter luck than I did.In short, trying to fax out of Linux may not be as easy as you think.It's possible,but will take time and effort on your part.SummaryThis is a brief introduction to HylaFAX, a complete fax-handling package for UNIXand Linux.I covered the following items in this chapter.How to get HylaFAX for your machine.HylaFAX installation involves untarring the source files in a localdirectory.Then it's a matter of running configure to customize the programfor your machine and running make install.You have to be rootto install HylaFAX.How to check the MODEMS file to see whether your modem is supported.HylaFAX requires a background daemon faxd to handle incoming and outgoingfaxes.You have to start the daemon with the -m option to specify whereyour modem exists.You need a FIFO and daemon for each modem on your system.The sendfax program requires the Adobe Font Metric files (in /usr/local/lib/afm)for converting from text to fax.Install Ghostscript before you install the HylaFAX package.This saves you alot of time and gets rid of most installation problems.How to check the status of received or sent faxes with the faxstat program.The fax daemon, faxd, can be configured to answer either data or faxtransmissions if faxd is invoked with the -g argument.HylaFAX supports polling via fax machines.How to get more information about HylaFAX via the WWW by accessing the Web page source code for HylaFAX is available for public FTP on ftp.sgi.comas /sgi/fax/source/ hylaFAX-v4.0pl1-tar.gz.I have also introduced you to sendfax, mgetty, and vgetty.These three programs enable you to send faxes, receive faxes, and even set up voicemail on your Linux box, provided your modem is supported [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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