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    .Programs of Piotr RoznickiPrograms ,, opinionsProgramsPrograms are freeware - you can copy it and use it withoutpaying ( non commercial use ) but please - don't change it!!!All programs have been tested for viruses and for datadamaging routines ,but author is not responsible for any damagesmade by his programs.Warning : emulating Dos under Windows95 isespecially dangerous - do it on your own risk.Games zone - games for free (author is Piotr Roznicki)TRON & TENNIS games like from good oldC-64 - 76996 bytes ( incl.2games.)KILER - new(1998year) game - shot'em up -130629 bytes( VGA ,sound on SB )Turbo Pascal's zone - only DOSMy best performance (textured cube)! -16237 bytesFont editor for dos fonts with font example- 9507 bytesDelphi zone(223862bytes ) -nice mixer for wav files (4 channels ,echo ,allfrequencies).(208807 bytes ) -moduleplayer ( mod,s3m,xm,it).C zoneNothing here for now.I'm just learning my C.Java zoneSome applets (not mine)Paintit!Research :I'm still working on my C.Now I'm trying few free C compilersto choose the best one.Opinions :FREEWARE Power!Write tome !!!Last actualization 8 November 1998.All rights reserved CAll41 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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