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    .\n";# First make an array of all members of this list:(@oldmembers) = $groups{$group} =~ /(\w+)/g;# Clear down the current member list for this group:$groups{$group} = "";# now add all but the member to be deleted to a new string:foreach $member (@oldmembers) {if ( $member ne $user ) {$groups{$group}.= " $member";}}# Write the array out to the groups file:&SetGroupMembers($safefile, %groups);# EndThe following list shows the essential steps:The script reads the group definition file into the %groups associative array.The script stores the membership of the named group in the @oldmembers array, using this statement:***Production--The following code is part of this numbered list.***(@oldmembers) = $groups{$group} =~ /(\w+)/g;worth examining.$groups{$group} is the string that contains all group member names, separated by spaces.Applying the /(\w+)/g operator performs a pattern match on the member list, saving all full words in $1, $2, and so on.Then these values are stored in @oldmembers.The script obliterates the group membership for the named group by setting it to an empty string.The script rebuilds the member list for the named group- $groups{$group}-by looping through all elements of the @oldmembers array, adding each element to $groups{$group} unless it matches the user name that is to be dropped.The script writes the %groups associative array back out to the group definition file.Again, you get to reuse the GetGroupMembers() and SetGroupMembers() functions.From Here.This chapter describes how user authentication combines user verification with access restrictions to ensure that your server is as open as it needs to be, and no more.This book has a great deal more to say about server security and Perl:Chapter 9, "Understanding CGI Security," explains how you can maintain the state of an authenticated session across several Perl scripts.Chapter 10, "Site Administration," has more information on how you can use Perl to assist in the management of your Web server [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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