Tomaszewski Żydzi w Polsce (leksykon)
143 09 (7) 6
rozdzial 26 (9)
08 (66)
Pod redakcją Charlesa E. Skinnera Psychologia wychowawcza (10)
chip 3
Andrzej Sapkowski Granica
3 (2)
elektronika praktyczna 2003 2

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    .awt.imageThe java.awt.image packageis a subpackage of the AWT that provides classes for managingbitmap images.InterfacesImageConsumerMethods for receiving image data filters through an ImageProducerImageObserverMethods to keep track of the loading and construction of an imageImageProducerMethods for producing image data received by an ImageConsumerClassesColorModelA class for managing color information for imagesCropImageFilterA filter for cropping images to a particular sizeDirectColorModelA specific color model for managing and translating pixel color valuesFilteredImageSourceAn ImageProducer that takes an image and an ImageFilter object and produces an image for an ImageConsumerImageFilterA filter that takes image data from an ImageProducer, modifies it in some way, and hands it off to an ImageConsumerIndexColorModelA specific color model for managing and translating color values in a fixed-color mapMemoryImageSourceAn image producer that gets its image from memory; used after constructing an image by handPixelGrabberAn ImageConsumer that retrieves a subset of the pixels in an imageRGBImageFilterA filter for modifying the RGB values of pixels in RGB imagesjava.awt.peerThe java.awt.peer packageis a subpackage of AWT that contains abstract classes to linkAWT to the code to display platform-specific interface elements(for example, Motif, Macintosh, and Windows 95).InterfacesButtonPeerPeer for the Button classCanvasPeerPeer for the Canvas classCheckboxMenuItemPeerPeer for the CheckboxMenuItem classCheckboxPeerPeer for the Checkbox classChoicePeerPeer for the Choice classComponentPeerPeer for the Component classContainerPeerPeer for the Container classDialogPeerPeer for the Dialog classjava.appletThe java.applet package providesapplet-specific behavior.InterfacesAppletContextMethods to refer to the applet's contextAppletStubMethods for implementing applet viewersAudioClipMethods for playing audio filesClassesAppletThe base applet class [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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