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    .Multiple letters can be used.The entrynp14w(2.5i)fisets the numeric entry (n) in italic (fi), with a point size of 14 (p14) and a minimum column width of 2.5 inches (w(2.5i)).You may need to change the format of a table midway through—for example, to present summaries.If you must change the format, use the.T& (table continue) command.DataData for the table is entered after all the format specifications have been completed.Data for columns is separated by tabs or any other character indicated in the tabs option.Each line of data is one line of the table.Long lines of data can bebroken over several lines of source by using the backslash character as the last character in a line.Any line starting with a period and followed by anything other than a number is assumed to be a groff command and is ignored by the preprocessor.If a single line of the data consists of only underscore or equal sign characters (single and doublelines), it is treated as extending the entire width of the table.You can embed a block of text within a table by using the text commands of T{ (start of text) and }T (end of text).This lets you enter something that can't be easily entered as a string separated by tabs.ExamplesThe best way to understand how to use gtbl is to look at some simple examples.Here's a basic table command:.TSdoublebox;c c c, l l n.Name Dept PhoneJoe 8A 7263Mike 9F 2635Peter 2R 2152Yvonne 2B 2524.TEAll of the entries in the data section are separated by tabs.This produces a table with three columns, the first line of which is centered text.The rest of the table has the first and second column left-justified, and the last column aligned bydecimal point (there are none in this case).The entire table is surrounded by two boxes.A slightly more complex example uses a table title, followed by a row of column headings, and then the data.Separate each element in the table by a box in this case:.TSallbox;c s sc c cn n n.Division ResultsEast West North15 12 1412 12 1836 15 24.TETry typing in these examples, or create your own, to see what effect the different commands have.When you've started using gtbl, it isn't that difficult.SummaryAlthough word processors have made utilities such as geqn and gtbl less popular than they used to be, some diehard UNIX people still like to use them.There are times when you might not be able to produce an equation the way you want with your favoriteword processor, so you might have to return to the basics.Also, because word processors capable of fancy formulas tend to be expensive, utilities such as geqn and gtbl are ideal for the occasional user who doesn't want to spend a lot ofmoney on a seldom-used tool [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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