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    .Some kernels were compiled with settings that are default values for adapters or disk drives; if thesettings have been changed, the kernel will hang up.This is often the case with special-purpose kernels that have been developed for non-mainstream adapters.To check for this type of problem, you should investigate any documentation that came with thekernel image.The most common devices in a PC (COM ports, parallel ports, and floppies) and their IRQ, DMA, and I/O addresses are shown in Table 3.1.These are the default values for a PC, but they may be changed by users.Because only two COM ports (serial ports)are usually supported by DOS, they share IRQ values.The I/O addresses are different, though.Both floppy disks share the same I/O addresses, IRQ, and DMA.Table 3.1.Common IRQ, DMA, and memory address settings.DeviceIRQDMAI/O Address (Hex)COM 1 (/dev/ttyS0)4N/A3F8COM 2 (/dev/ttyS1)3N/A2F8COM 3 (/dev/ttyS2)4N/A3E8COM 4 (/dev/ttys3)3N/A2E8LPT 1 (/dev/lp0)7N/A378-37FLPT 2 (/dev/lp1)5N/A278-27FFloppy A (/dev/fd0)623F0-3F7Floppy B (/dev/fd1)623F0-3F7Network cards, SCSI adapters, sound boards, video cards, and other peripherals all must have unique IRQ, DMA, and I/O addresses, which can be difficult to arrange with a fully loaded system.For more information on available values, you shouldcheck your device or card-installation manual for recommended values and potential conflicts.SCSI ProblemsSCSI is one of the most versatile interfaces, and it pays for that versatility in potential problems.Linux is usually good about reporting problems with SCSI devices, although the error messages may leave you wondering about the real cause of theproblem.Table 3.2 lists many of the common SCSI errors and their probable causes.Find the message that closely matches the error message Linux displays in this table to determine your corrective steps.Table 3.2.Common SCSI problems and their solutions.ProblemProbable SolutionSCSI device at all possible IDsOne or more devices are at the same SCSI ID as the controller.Check and change device IDs.Controllers should be ID 7.Sense errorsProbably caused by bad termination.Check that both ends of the SCSI chain are terminated.If that is not the problem, the cable is likely at fault.Timeout errorsUsually caused by a DMA, IRQ, or I/O-address conflict.See the preceding section for more information.SCSI adapter not detectedThe BIOS is disabled or the SCSI adapter is not recognized by the kernel.Check the drivers.Cylinders Beyond 1024Your disk has more than 1,024 cylinders, which the PC BIOS can't handle.Linux can use more than 1,024 cylinders, but it can't boot from a partition that extends across that cylinder boundary.CD-ROM drive not recognizedSome CD-ROMs require a CD in the drive to be recognized properly.Insert a CD and reboot.Booting LinuxIf you have installed Linux and the system won't boot properly from your hard disk, it may be a problem with LILO or with the partitions.If you created a boot floppy, boot from that.If that boots without a problem, check the partition table byexecuting fdisk.Make sure the Linux partition is active.If it is and you still can't boot from the hard disk, boot from the floppy and run LILO again to configure the boot sector.See Chapter 4 for more information on LILO.A problem will sometimes occur when Linux can't find the main Linux partition.Boot from the floppy and hold down Shift or Ctrl.This produces a menu that enables you to specify the boot device explicitly.This problem can usually be corrected withLILO.SummaryMuch of this chapter will be familiar to you if you have installed Linux before, although some users really don't know what goes on during the automated installation script.Knowing the process, and staying on top of it, helps prevent problems with theLinux installation.The next step is using LILO to properly configure the boot system—a commonly misunderstood and misused process.The next chapter looks at LILO [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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