Index 7
Chmielewska Joanna Wielki diament T 1 (4)
13 04
Frankl Viktor E. Psychoterapia dla każdego (14)
Jones J V Kolczasty wieniec
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  • [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
    .25 100.002/10/94 Buy 52.875 100.003/10/94 Buy 57.125 100.004/08/94 Buy 52.625 100.005/10/94 Buy 58.00 100.006/09/94 Buy 62.00 100.007/08/94 Buy 56.625 100.008/10/94 Buy 64.25 100.009/09/94 Buy 67.875 100.0010/10/94 Buy 71.50 100.0011/08/94 Buy 73.00 100.0012/09/94 Buy 71.375 100.00# Kept the dividend12/30/94 Div 73.50 2.63912/30/94 Sell 73.50 2.639FIGURE 68.15.The sample file with rates of return.FIGURE 68.16.The sample file with plots of data.FIGURE 68.17.The sample file with portfolio view.On-line help is available with the Xinvest package, with the help button in the upper-rightcorner of the display.You might have to resize the window to fit on screens smallerthan 1024x768.The help provided with the package also includes information aboutthe format of the data files.Using these formats, it should be easy for you to createproperly formatted data files from other sources.Scripts written in Perl or awkcould transform comma-delimited data sources into input files for Xinvest.Thereis no automatic importing capability.Additional ToolsHere are a few other tools you should also consider when using Linux.In termsof productivity and tracking time, these tools are indispensable.Unfortunately,these tools also require Motif (or Mootif from InfoMagic).You cannot run these utilitieswithout X or Motif.If you do not have Motif installed on your system, see Chapter23, "Using Motif," for availability.For those tools that require XViewtoolkit, you will have to install XView from the CD-ROM at the back of the book.Despite the requirement to pay for Motif or XView, these tools are quite handywhen it comes to managing time and money.All of these tools are available from ftp.x.orgin the /contrib subdirectory.After you unzip and untar the archive file,run the following commands:$ xmkmf$ makeEach program makes itself in the directory you untarred it in.Read the specificinstallation instructions for each program to know where to place each executablefor a package.XvdtblThe Xvdtbl program is a to-do list manager for managing your tasks.You can tracklists of items to do each day.Things that do not get done one day are carried overto the next to constantly remind you.Recurring events can also be tracked by month,week, or day.All items can be prioritized.Items in the list can be annotated with a text editor.All items, including theannotations, can be printed on plain paper for logging.The file with all the sourcefiles is called xvtdbl-5.2.tar.gz and is in the office subdirectory.XDiaryThe XDiary program requires Motif 1.2 or later.The XDiary package is simply adiary for you to manage your time and tasks while working at your Linux workstation.The program lets you assign recurring dates and alarms for your scheduled events.You can also create reminder notices and distribute these to other folks on the network.Your diary files can be private or made available to the public for scheduling meetingsand so forth.The file with all the source files is called xmdiary-3.1.tar.gzand is in the /office subdirectory.YroloYrolo requires Motif 1.2 or later.The Yrolo package manages names and addressesof people.You can mail directly to people via the e-mail addresses stored for anindividual.You can search for names in the names database.All names can be printedfor creating paper-based phone books.The file with all the source files is calledyrolo-1.1.tar and is in the /applications subdirectory.SummaryLinux has grown up tremendously in the past few years.With its compatibilitywith Motif and XView applications, more and more shareware/freeware programs canbe used on Linux.The personal time and finance management tools described in thischapter have introduced you to only a few such utilities on the Web.The way thingsare progressing with Linux, more tools will follow in the future [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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