elektronika praktyczna 2002 8
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710 (2)
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19 (237)
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    .readShortpublic final short readShort() throwsIOExceptionThis method reads a short (16-bit) value from therandom access file stream, blocking until both bytes are read.Returns: The short value read.Throws: EOFExceptionif the end of the stream is reached before reading the value.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.readUnsignedBytepublic final int readUnsignedByte() throwsIOExceptionThis method reads an unsigned byte (8-bit) value fromthe random access file stream, blocking until the byte is read.Returns: The unsigned byte value read.Throws: EOFExceptionif the end of the stream is reached before reading the value.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.readUnsignedShortpublic final int readUnsignedShort()throws IOExceptionThis method reads an unsigned short (16-bit) valuefrom the random access file stream, blocking until both bytesare read.Returns: The unsigned short value read.Throws: EOFExceptionif the end of the stream is reached before reading the value.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.readUTFpublic final String readUTF() throwsIOExceptionThis method reads a string that has been encoded usinga modified UTF-8 format from the random access file stream, blockinguntil all bytes are read.Returns: The string read.Throws: EOFExceptionif the end of the stream is reached before reading the string.Throws: UTFDataFormatExceptionif the bytes read do not represent a valid UTF-8 encoding of astring.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.seekpublic void seek(long pos) throws IOExceptionThis method sets the current stream position to thespecified absolute position.The position is absolute becauseit is always relative to the beginning of the stream.Parameters: pos-theabsolute position to seek to.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.skipBytespublic int skipBytes(int n) throws IOExceptionThis method skips nbytes of data in the random access file stream, blocking untilall bytes are skipped.Parameters: n-thenumber of bytes to skip.Returns: The actual number of bytes skipped.Throws: EOFExceptionif the end of the stream is reached before skipping the specifiednumber of bytes.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.writepublic void write(byte b[]) throws IOExceptionThis method writes b.lengthbytes to the random access file stream from the byte array b.Parameters: b-thebyte array from which the data is written.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.writepublic void write(byte b[], int off,int len) throws IOExceptionThis method writes lenbytes to the random access file stream from the byte array bbeginning off bytes intothe array.Parameters:b-the byte arrayfrom which the data is starting offset intothe array for the data to be read from.len-the number of bytes towrite.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.writepublic void write(int b) throws IOExceptionThis method writes a byte value to the random accessfile stream.Parameters: b-thebyte value to be written.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.writeBooleanpublic final void writeBoolean(booleanv) throws IOExceptionThis method writes a boolean value to the random accessfile stream.The boolean value trueis written as the byte value 1,where false is written asthe byte value 0.Parameters: v-theboolean value to be written.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.writeBytepublic final void writeByte(int v) throwsIOExceptionThis method writes a byte (8-bit) value to the randomaccess file stream.Parameters: v-thebyte value to be written.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.writeBytespublic final void writeBytes(String s)throws IOExceptionThis method writes a string to the random access filestream as a sequence of bytes.Parameters: s-thestring to be written as bytes.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.writeCharpublic final void writeChar(int v) throwsIOExceptionThis method writes a character (16-bit) value to therandom access file stream.Parameters: v-thecharacter value to be written.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.writeCharspublic final void writeChars(String s)throws IOExceptionThis method writes a string to the random access filestream as a sequence of characters.Parameters: s-thestring to be written as characters.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.writeDoublepublic final void writeDouble(doublev) throws IOExceptionThis method writes a double (64-bit) value to therandom access file stream.Parameters: v-thedouble value to be written.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.writeFloatpublic final void writeFloat(float v)throws IOExceptionThis method writes a float (32-bit) value to the randomaccess file stream.Parameters: v-thefloat value to be written.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.writeIntpublic final void writeInt(int v) throwsIOExceptionThis method writes an integer (32-bit) value to therandom access file stream.Parameters: v-theinteger value to be written.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.writeLongpublic final void writeLong(long v) throwsIOExceptionThis method writes a long (64-bit) value to the randomaccess file stream.Parameters: v-thelong value to be written.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.writeShortpublic final void writeShort(int v) throwsIOExceptionThis method writes a short (16-bit) value to the randomaccess file stream.Parameters: v-theshort value to be written.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.writeUTFpublic final void writeUTF(String str)throws IOExceptionThis method encodes a string using a modified UTF-8format and writes it to the random access file stream.Parameters: str-thestring to be written.Throws: IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs.SequenceInputStreamExtends: InputStreamThis class implements an input stream that can combineseveral input streams in a serial manner so that they functiontogether like a single input stream [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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