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    .pl  Thisroutine is in fact obsolete by the standard cgi-lib.plor any other form-parsing package.However, it is instructiveto see how the encoded variables are replaced by their clear textequivalents:sub deweb{local($name)=@_;$name=~s/\%20/ /g;$name=~s/\%2B/+/g;$name=~s/\%3A/:/g;$name=~s/\%26/&/g;$name=~s/\%2C/,/g;$name=~s/\%28/(/g;$name=~s/\%29/)/g;$name=~s/\%2F/\//g;$name;}a1.html  EDGARfiling retrieval by company name (see Listing 21.20).Listing 21.20.EDGAR filing retrieval by company name: Thea1.html code.<TITLE>EDGAR Zacks Filing Retrievalby Company Name </TITLE><H2>EDGAR Zacks Filing Retrieval by Company Name </h2><ol><li>Company Name:    <b> Required.</b> Cannot exceed 5 characters.  <br><li>Date Limit:    <i> Optional</i> Default is since 1/1/94.  <br><li>Filing Type:    <i> Optional</i> Default is "All".  <br><li>Filing Type Override:    <i>Optional.</i>  If you don't see your filingtype on the picklist use this override field.<li>Hit Limit:    <i> Optional</i> Default is the first 100 hits.<li>Debugger:    <i> Optional</i> Set this "on" if you are having troublewith your browser.</ol><p><FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION=""><b>Company Name:</b><INPUT NAME="company" size=25 maxlength=25><P>Submit choices: <INPUT TYPE="submit"VALUE="Retrieve Filings">.Reset form: <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset">.<p><i>Date limit:</i><SELECT NAME="date-range"><OPTION>Last Week<OPTION>Last Two Weeks<OPTION>Last Month<OPTION>Last Six Months<OPTION>Last Year<OPTION SELECTED>No Limit</SELECT><p><a href=""><i>Filing Type</i></a><SELECT NAME="Form-Pick-List"><OPTION SELECTED> ALL<OPTION> S-3 (Stock or Bond Registration)<OPTION> S-8<OPTION> 8-12B<OPTION> 8-A12G<OPTION> 8-B12B<OPTION> 8-K (Current Event)<OPTION> 10-12B<OPTION> 10-C<OPTION> 10-K (Annual Report)<OPTION> 10-Q (Quarterly Report)<OPTION> 11-K<OPTION> 13F-E (Mutual Funds Holdings)<OPTION> 14<OPTION> SC (SC 14D is >= 5% Acq)<OPTION> DEF (DEF 14A is the proxy)<OPTION> 424<OPTION> 485 (Mutual Fund Prospectuses)</SELECT> <P><i>Filing Type Override</i><INPUT NAME="filing-override"><p><b>Limit </b> your search to a maximum?<SELECT NAME="limit-List"><OPTION> no limit<OPTION> 1000<OPTION> 500<OPTION> 250<OPTION SELECTED> 100<OPTION> 50<OPTION> 25<OPTION> 10<OPTION> 5<OPTION> 1</SELECT> <P>Turn <b> debugging </b> on?<SELECT NAME="debug-option"><OPTION SELECTED> no debug<OPTION> debug</SELECT> <P></FORM><HR><A HREF=""><p><img src="">Send comments to the layout designer.</a><p><a href=""><img src="">More information on Filing Types</a>.<A HREF=""><p><img src="">Return to our Home Page.</A><A HREF="">  Thisscript uses the UNIX sortcommand to present the filings in reverse chronological order(see Listing 21.21).It writes the temporary sort file to diskto assist in debugging.Listing 21.21.The sortform.plcode.#!/usr/local/bin/perl##  - based on 5/95 Peter Leung: Modified script to output forms in reverse#                      chronologicalorder.#######################################################################  NYU Edgar Development Project######################################################################sub match{require 'edgarlib';require 'edgardate';require '';  #require '';     # for binary searchrequire '';    #&form_init;$Date=&ctime(time);  # human-readable date and timefrom the timestamp.$sdate=chop($Date);# Print out a content-type for HTTP/1.0 compatibility#print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";#This line will call method to change current date to Julian numberand#assign it to variable '$julnum'#$julnum = &j_number();# Get the inputread(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});# Split the name-value pairs@pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);# Create associate arrayforeach (@pairs){($key, $value) = split (/=/, $_);$value=&deweb($value);$form{$key} = $value;}# overwrite the selection of form selected by user,# if the user enters a special form not on the picklist.if ($form{'form'} eq ""){ ($userform, @garbage) = split (/\s/, $form{'Form-Pick-List'});}else{ $userform = $form{'form'}; }$userform =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;  # make sure to convertto uppercase [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
    Wszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone! Kawa była słaba i bez smaku. Nie miała treści, a jedynie formę. Design by