Book 3, Chapter 11
Sandemo Margit Saga O Ludziach Lodu
Verne Juliusz Wyprawa do wnetrza Ziemi
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    .When shall I see a sign that itwill ever be other-wise ? ''Turn your face from the green world, andlook where all seemsbarren and cold ! ' said Gandalf.Then Aragornturned.and there was a stony slope behind him run-ning down from the skirtsof the snow; and as he looked he was awarethat alone there in the waste agrowing thing stood.And he climbedto it, and saw that out of the very edgeof the snow there sprang asapling tree no more than three foot high.Alreadyit had put forthyoung leaves long and shapely, dark above and silverbeneath, ana'upon its slender crown it bore one small cluster of flowerswhosewhite petals shone like the sunlit snow.Then Aragorn cried : 'Yé!utúvienyes! I have found it ! Lo ! here isa scion of the Eldest of Trees !But how comes it here ? For it is notitself yet seven years old.'AndGandalf coming looked at it, and said : `Verily this is a saplingof the lineof Nimloth the fair; and that was a seedling of Galathilion,and that a fruitof Telperion of many names, Eldest of Trees.Whoshall say how it comes herein the appointed hour? But this is anancient hallow, and ere the kingsfailed or the Tree withered in thecourt, a fruit must have been set here.For it is said that, though thefruit of the Tree comes seldom to ripeness,yet the life within maythen lie sleeping through many long years, and nonecan foretell thetime in which it will awake.Remember this.For if ever afruit ripens,it should be planted, lest the line die out of the world.Hereit haslain.hidden on the mountain, even as the race of Elendil lay hiddeninthe wastes of the North.Yet the line of Nimloth is older far thanyourline, King Elessar.Then Aragorn laid his hand gently to the sapling,and lo ! it seemedto hold only lightly to the earth, and it was removedwithout hurtÀand Aragorn bore it back to the Citadel.Then the withered treewasuprooted, but with reverence; and they did not burn it, but laid ittorest in the silence of Rath Dínen.And Aragorn planted the newtree in thecourt by the fountain, and swiftly and gladly it began togrow; and when themonth of June entered in it was laden withblossom.'The sign has beengiven,' said Aragorn, 'and the day is not far off'And he set watchmen uponthe walls.It was the day before Midsummer when messengers camefromAmon Dm to the City, and they said that there was a riding of fairfolkout of the North, and they drew near now to the walls of thePelen-nor.And the King said : `At last they have come.Let all the Citybemade ready ! 'Upon the very Eve of Midsummer, when the sky was blue assapÀphire and white stars opened in the East, but the West was stillgoldenand the air was cool and fragrant, the riders came down theNorth-way to the gates of Minas Tirith.First rode Elrohir and Elladanwitha banner of silver, and then came Glorfindel and Erestor and allthchousehold of Rivendell, and after them came the Lady GaladrielandCeleborn, Lord of Lothlórien, riding upon white steeds and withthemmany fair folk of their land, grey-cloaked with white gems intheirhair; and last came Master Elrond, mighty among Elves and Men,bear-ing the sceptre of Annúminas, and beside him upon a greypalfreyrode Arwen his daughter, Evenstar of her people.And Frodo when hesaw her come glimmering in the evening, withstars on her brow and a sweetfragrance about her, was moved withgreat wonder, and he said to Gandalf :`At last I understand why wehave waited ! This is the ending.Now not dayonly shall be beloved,but night too shall be beautiful and blessed and allits fear passaway ! 'Then the King welcomed his guests, and theyalighted; and Elrondsurrendered the sceptre, and laid the hand of hisdaughter in the handof the King, and together they went up into the HighCity, and allthe stars flowered in the sky.And Aragorn the King ElessarweddedArwen Undómiel in the City of the Kings upon the day ofMid-summer, and the tale of their long waiting and labours was cometofulfilment.Perv NextMail tome [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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