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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] .If you get to be well known in the hacker world,lots of other hackers will constantly be making fun of you by sniffingyour password.Unfortunately, almost all shell accounts are set up so youmust expose your password to anyone who has hidden a sniffer anywhere betweenthe ISP that provides your PPP connection and your shell account ISP.One solution is to insist on a shell account provider that runs ssh(secure shell).**************************************************So where can you find these ISPs that will give you shell accounts?One good source is http://www.celestin.com/pocia/.It provides links toInternet Service Providers categorized by geographic region.They evenhave links to allow you to sign up with ISPs serving the Lesser Antilles!***********************************************Evil Genius tip: Computer criminals and malicious hackers will oftenget a guest account on a distant ISP and do their dirty work during thefew hours this guest account is available to them.Since this practiceprovides the opportunity to cause so much harm, eventually it may becomereally hard to get a test run on a guest account.***********************************************But if you want to find a good shell account the hacker way, here'swhat you do. Start with a list of your favorite hacker Web sites.For example, let's try http://ra.nilenet.com/~mjl/hacks/codez.htm.You take the beginning part of the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) asyour starting point.In this case it is "http://ra.nilenet.com." Try surfingto that URL.In many cases it will be the home page for that ISP.It shouldhave instructions for how to sign up for a shell account.In the case ofNile Net we strike hacker gold: Dial-up Accounts and Pricing NEXUS AccountsNEXUS Accounts include: Access to a UNIX Shell, fullInternet access, Usenet newsgroups, 5mb of FTP and/orWWW storage space, and unlimited time.One Time Activation Fee: $20.00Monthly Service Fee: $19.95 orYearly Service Fee: $199.95Plus which they make a big deal over freedom of online speech.And theyhost a great hacker page full of these Guides to (mostly) Harmless Hacking!How to Login to Your Shell AccountNow we assume you finally have a guest shell account and are ready totest drive it.So now we need to figure out how to login.Now all you hackergeniuses reading this, why don't you just forget to flame me for tellingpeople how to do something as simple as how to login.Please remember thateveryone has a first login.If you have never used Unix, this first timecan be intimidating.In any case, if you are a Unix genius you have nobusiness reading this Beginners' Guide.So if you are snooping around herelooking for flamebait, send your flames to /dev/null.***********************************************************Newbie note: "Flames" are insulting, obnoxious rantings and ravingsdone by people who are severely lacking in social skills and are a bunchof &$%@#!! but who think they are brilliant computer savants.For example,this newbie note is my flame against &$%@#!! flamers. "/dev/null" stands for "device null." It is a file name in aUnix operating system.Any data that is sent to /dev/null is discarded.So when someone says they will put something in "/dev/null" that meansthey are sending it into permanent oblivion.***********************************************************The first thing you need to know in order to get into your shell accountis your user name and password.You need to get that information from theISP that has just signed you up.The second thing you need to rememberis that Unix is "case sensitive." That means if your login name is "JoeSchmoe"the shell will think "joeschmoe" is a different person than "JoeSchmoe"or "JOESCHMOE."OK, so you have just connected to your shell account for the first time.You may see all sorts of different stuff on that first screen.But theone thing you will always see is the prompt: login:Here you will type in your user name.In response you will always be asked : Password:Here you type in your password.After this you will get some sort of a prompt.It may be a simple as: %or $or >Or as complicated as: sleepy:~$Or it may even be some sort of complicated menu where you have to choosea "shell" option before you get to the shell prompt.Or it may be a simple as: #**********************************************************Newbie note: The prompt "#" usually means you have the superuser powersof a "root" account.The Unix superuser has the power to do *anything*to the computer.But you won't see this prompt unless either thesystems administrator has been really careless -- or someone is playinga joke on you.Sometimes a hacker thinks he or she has broken into thesuperuser account because of seeing the "#" prompt.But sometimes thisis just a trick the sysadmin is playing.So the hacker goes playing aroundin what he or she thinks is the root account while the sysadmin and hisfriends and the police are all laughing at the hacker.**********************************************************Ready to start hacking from your shell account? Watch out, it may beso crippled that it is worthless for hacking.Or, it may be pretty good,but you might inadvertently do something to get you kicked off.To avoidthese fates, be sure to read Beginners' Series #3 Part 2 of How to Geta *Good* Shell Account, coming out tomorrow.In that GTMHH section you will learn how to:· explore your shell account· decide whether your shell account is any good for hacking· keep from losing your shell account In case you were wondering about all the input from jericho in thisGuide, yes, he was quite helpful in reviewing it and making suggestions.Jericho is a security consultant runs his own Internet host, obscure.sekurity.org.Thank you, jericho@dimensional.com, and happy hacking!_________________________________________________________Subscribe to our discussion list by emailing to hacker@techbroker.comwith message "subscribe"Want to share some kewl stuph with the Happy Hacker list? Correct mistakes?Send your messages to hacker@techbroker.com. To send me confidentialemail (please, no discussions of illegal activities) use cmeinel@techbroker.comand be sure to state in your message that you want me to keep this confidential.If you wish your message posted anonymously, please say so! Direct flamesto dev/null@techbroker.com.Happy hacking!Copyright 1997 Carolyn P.Meinel.You may forward or post this GUIDETO (mostly) HARMLESS HACKING on your Web site as long as you leave thisnotice at the end [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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