function.mcrypt module is block mode
function.sesam num fields
function.cpdf closepath stroke
function.yp err string
function set border style
function set char spacing
function.ldap get values
function.gmp add
function.msql tablename
function.gmp jacobi

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    .putenvPodręcznik PHPPoprzedniNastępnyputenv (PHP 3, PHP 4 >= 4.0)putenv -- Set the value of an environment variable.Descriptionvoid putenv (string setting) Adds setting to the server environment.Theenvironment variable will only exist for the duration of the currentrequest.At the end of the request the environment is restored toits original state. Setting certain environment variables may be a potential security breach.The safe_mode_allowed_env_vars directive contains acomma-delimited list of prefixes.In Safe Mode, the user may onlyalter environment variables whose names begin with the prefixessupplied by this directive.By default, users will only be ableto set environment variables that begin with PHP_(e.g.PHP_FOO=BAR).Note: if this directive is empty,PHP will let the user modify ANY environment variable! The safe_mode_protected_env_vars directivecontains a comma-delimited list of environment variables, thatthe end user won't be able to change using putenv().These variables will be protected even if safe_mode_allowed_env_varsis set to allow to change them.Ostrzeżenie These directives have only effect when safe-mode itself is enabled! Przykład 1.Setting an Environment Variableputenv ("UNIQID=$uniqid"); See alsogetenv().PoprzedniSpis treściNastępnyphp_unamePoczątek rozdziałuset_magic_quotes_runtime [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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